
Términos y condiciones

About Opatra Ltd

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the http://www.opatra.com website (the "Service") operated by Opatra Ltd. These terms and conditions govern your use of this website; by using this website, you accept these terms and conditions in full..

Opatra Ltd have the same effect as an agreement in writing and govern your use of the Website http://www.opatra.com. If you do not agree to the Site Terms, please do not use the Website. We may modify the Site Terms at any time. If you do not agree to the changes, you may discontinue using http://www.opatra.com before the changes take effect. Your continued use of http://www.opatra.com after any such changes take effect constitutes your acceptance to such changes.

Provision of Service

This sets out the basic obligation of Opatra Ltd to render services which are part of the agreement. If any changes need to be done by client or the user of our website then, the wording will need to be changed slightly or else this point can be dealt with in the Schedule.

Opatra Ltd runs and manages an incredibly, efficient and effective platform where it has successfully established itself as a leading wholesaler and manufacturer, specialising in revolutionary treatments and technologies to the beauty industry.

At Opatra Ltd, with our legacy and depth of experience, we are dedicated to giving our clients/customers the very best of our high quality service and we make them our number one priority.

Registration/site access

Registration is not required to visit http://www.opatra.com; however, you will need to register with us and create an account if you desire to use all of the Website’s services and features or to complete a transaction with us.

If you register to open an account, you agree to provide accurate, complete registration information. You must be legally capable to enter into contracts. It is your responsibility to make any updates to that information. Each registration is for a single person only, unless specifically designated otherwise on the registration page.

If you register to open an account, you agree to provide accurate, complete registration information. You must be legally capable to enter into contracts. It is your responsibility to make any updates to that information. Each registration is for a single person only, unless specifically designated otherwise on the registration page.

Site Ownership and Usage

http://www.opatra.com reserves the complete ownership of this website and its content. This Website contains information, content or advertisements text, photographs, designs, graphics, images, sound and video recordings, animation and other materials and effects (collectively, the "Content") that are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade dress, patents or other intellectual or proprietary rights owned by Opatra Ltd.

AVISO: Seguimos queriendo dejar claro aquí que el contenido, el logotipo, el vídeo o, el diseño visual, etc. y las marcas comerciales y la información con derechos de autor son propiedad exclusiva de Opatra Ltd. El uso no autorizado de estas marcas, para cualquier propósito o en relación con un producto o servicio no asociado con Opatra Ltd está estrictamente prohibido.

If you are interested in usage of any part of this website, you can request our consent by sending an email at [email protected]

Site Uptime

Where possible we always try to give advance warning of maintenance issues that may result in Website down time but we shall not be obliged to provide such notice.

Use of Website and Materials

http://www.opatra.com provides the Website and the Materials for your individual, non-commercial use and solely for the purpose of carrying out individual transactions with the Website. Any other use of the Website or the Materials is strictly prohibited.

You may not, either directly or indirectly:

  • Modificar, volver a publicar, redistribuir, eliminar, revender, sublicenciar y ejecutar públicamente, almacenar en caché por poder el sitio web o los materiales sin el permiso expreso por escrito de Forward Link Couriers.
  • Utilizar los materiales para telemarketing, marketing directo y correo electrónico comercial masivo, o por agentes o representantes o spammers de correo electrónico;
  • Realizar ingeniería inversa, descompilar, desensamblar, fusionar, copiar, utilizar, divulgar, alquilar, arrendar, prestar, vender, sublicenciar o transferir el código fuente subyacente o la estructura o secuencia de la Tecnología o borrar o alterar los atributos del autor o los avisos de derechos de autor;
  • Utilizar cualquier software de monitorización o descubrimiento de redes para determinar la arquitectura del sitio, o extraer información sobre el uso o los usuarios;
  • Reformatear o enmarcar cualquier porción del sitio web o de los materiales;
  • Usar cualquier dispositivo, software o rutina que interfiera con el funcionamiento adecuado del sitio web, o de otra manera intentar interferir con el funcionamiento adecuado del sitio web;
  • Permita que otros usen el sitio web bajo o a través de su cuenta de identificación/email y contraseña;
  • Tomar cualquier acción que imponga, o pueda imponer a nuestra entera discreción una carga irrazonable o desproporcionadamente grande en nuestra infraestructura;
  • Violar los Términos del Sitio, la ley aplicable o los derechos de otros; o Interrumpir o interferir con la seguridad de, o de otra manera causar daño a, el Sitio Web.
  • El uso permitido del sitio web no se extiende al uso del sitio web o de los materiales para cualquier propósito ilegal, o para transmitir a o a través del sitio web o a o a través de cualquier servicio cualquier material ilegal, dañino, amenazador, difamatorio, obsceno, odioso, pornográfico u otro material objetable de cualquier tipo, o para interferir, abusar o violar de otra manera los derechos legales de cualquier tercero que utilice el sitio web o los materiales.
  • Sin limitar otros recursos, podemos limitar, suspender o cancelar nuestro servicio y las cuentas de los usuarios, prohibir el acceso a nuestro sitio web, eliminar el contenido alojado y tomar medidas técnicas y legales para mantener a los usuarios fuera de los Sitios si creemos que están creando problemas, posibles responsabilidades legales o actuando de forma incompatible con la letra o el espíritu de nuestras políticas. También nos reservamos el derecho de cancelar las cuentas no confirmadas.


By using the Website, uploading content to or submitting any materials for use on the Website, you grant (or warrant that the owner of such rights has expressly granted Opatra Ltd a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from and distribute such materials and/or information generated through use of the Website or incorporate such materials and/or information generated through use of the Website into any form, medium, or technology now known or later developed throughout the universe. We need these rights to host and display your contentp>

Automated Activity

The Website may use robot exclusion methods, which include robots.txt files and HTML Meta tags, which expressly allow and/or exclude specified automated programs from accessing certain portions of the Website. Much of the information on the Website is updated on a real time basis and is proprietary or is licensed to Opatra Ltd by our users or third parties.

You agree that you will not use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access the Website for any purpose, including but not limited to performing "offline" searches and mirroring, without our express written permission as indicated in the then current robots.txt file or HTML Meta tags on the Website. Additionally, you agree that you will not bypass our robot exclusion methods or other measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Website.


You may provide links only to the homepage of this Website, provided (a) you do not remove or obscure, by framing or otherwise, any portion of the homepage, (b) you give Opatra Ltd notice of such link by sending an e-mail to [email protected] and (c) you discontinue providing links to this Website if requested by Opatra Ltd. If you wish to provide links to a section within the Website, you should forward your request to Opatra Ltd at [email protected] and Opatra Ltd will notify you if, within its sole and unfettered discretion, permission is granted, and, if so, the terms and conditions of the permission.


You represent and warrant to us that (a) you are legally capable to enter into contracts, (b) you are providing us at all times true, accurate and up to date information about yourself, (c) you will comply at all times with the Site Terms and applicable law and (d) your use of the Website and any transactions that you make with us will not violate the rights of any third party. You further represent and warrant that the device you intend to sell is rightfully owned by you free and clear of all liens and/or encumbrances.

Warranty, Liability, Indemnification

Opatra Ltd makes no representations regarding the availability and performance of its Website. You hereby acknowledge that any use of the Website and reliance upon any Materials shall be at your sole risk and that Opatra Ltd shall not be liable for any loss of data, lost profits or any other damages or losses resulting from such use.

When using this website you shall not post or send to or from this Website any material:
For which you have not obtained all necessary consents;

Es discriminatoria, obscena, pornográfica, difamatoria, susceptible de incitar al odio racial, que viola la confidencialidad o la privacidad, que puede causar molestias o inconvenientes a los demás, que fomenta o constituye una conducta que se consideraría un delito penal, que da lugar a una responsabilidad civil o que es contraria a la ley en el Reino Unido;

Que es de naturaleza dañina incluyendo, y sin limitación, virus informáticos, caballos de Troya, datos corruptos, u otro software o datos potencialmente dañinos

Shipping and handling fees are to be paid by the client.
Disclaimer Statements

Opatra makes every effort to ensure the information presented in, on or through its Website is accurate, however, because Opatra Ltdcommunicates information provided and created by advertisers, software developers, publishers, marketing agents, resellers and other third parties, Opatra Ltd has no control over the accuracy of such information, and makes no guarantee as to such information, and is not responsible for the information, including its accuracy, currency, content, quality, copyright compliance or legality, or any resulting loss, damage or advertisement contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this website, nor the quality of any products, information's or any other material displayed, purchased, or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement or any other information's or offer in or in connection with the services herein.

You hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any materials shall be at your sole risk.

Links To And From Other Websites

En este sitio web puede encontrar enlaces a sitios web de terceros. La inclusión de un enlace a un sitio web de este tipo no significa que Opatra Ltd respalde ese sitio web. Si usted visita cualquier sitio web a través de un enlace en este sitio web, lo hace bajo su propia responsabilidad.

Toda parte que desee establecer un enlace con este sitio web tiene derecho a hacerlo siempre y cuando se observen las condiciones que figuran a continuación:

you do not seek to imply that we are endorsing the services or products of another party unless this has been agreed with us in writing;
You do not misrepresent your relationship with this website; and
The website from which you link to this Website does not contain offensive or otherwise controversial content or, content that infringes any intellectual property rights or other rights of a third party. By linking to this Website in breach of our terms, you shall indemnify us for any loss or damage suffered to this Website as a result of such linking.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Opatra Ltd, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, vendors and distributors from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses, or fees (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) that such parties may incur as a result of or arising from your (or anyone using your account’s) violation or breach of any representation or obligation under these Site Terms.

Bajo ninguna circunstancia Opatra Ltd será responsable de las pérdidas o daños financieros o de otro tipo causados por el fallo o el uso o mal uso de nuestro sitio web

Si se firma el contrato de mantenimiento, Opatra Ltd. se asegurará de que los datos de su sitio web se respalden manualmente con regularidad y de que exista un plan de contingencia para minimizar las posibles pérdidas como resultado de un fallo del software.

We reserve the right to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you and, in such case; you agree to cooperate with our defence of such claim.


We view protection of users' privacy as a very important community principle. When you open an account and use the Website, we collect information about you. You agree that we may collect and use your information in accordance with the Opatra Ltd Privacy Policy, which you can review by going to http://www.opatra.com policy. If you object to your information being transferred or used in this way please do not use our services

Electronic Notices and Transactions

You agree to transact with us electronically. This means you agree to accept and terms and conditions and to transact any sale, donation or recycling of your Product with us by electronic means. You authorize us to send you important notices about the Website and any pending transactions to an email address you provide to us, if you are a registered account holder or, in the alternative, by posting a notice on the Website.

It is your duty to keep your email address up to date and to maintain a valid email address and to ensure that emails we send you are not filtered or stopped by spam filters or other types of email blocking functionalities. If you no longer desire to transact electronically with us, you may no longer use the Website. You can retrieve and review these Site Terms at any time by visiting http://www.opatra.com.


You are responsible for obtaining at your own expense all equipment and services needed to access and use the Website, including all devices, Internet browsers and Internet access. If you access the Website or a Website application through a mobile or wireless device, you are responsible for all fees that your carrier may charge you for data, text messaging and other wireless access or communications services.

Fees and Payment

Prices for our services are described on our Website and are incorporated into these Terms by reference and Opatra Ltd reserves the right to change the Prices, products and Services at any time without any prior notice.

This clause contains the default position for invoicing and payment. Any special terms should be put into the Schedule. Whichever way it goes, failure to leave payment may result in cancellation of services.

Our Service Amendment & Cancellation Policy

We strive to ensure processing of our service in a timely manner. If you wish to cancel or amend your request, you may do so providing the service is not yet rendered. To cancel or amend your request, please contact our customer service at [email protected].

Breaches of these terms and conditions

Opatra Ltd reserves the right to investigate complaints or reported violations of the Site Terms and without prejudice to Opatra Ltd ’s other rights under these terms and conditions, if you breach these terms and conditions in any way, Opatra Ltd may take such action as they feel appropriate to deal with the breach, including suspending your access to this website, prohibiting you from accessing this website, blocking computers using your IP address from accessing this website, contacting your internet service provider to request that they block your access to this website and/or bringing court proceedings against you

Force Majeure

http://www.opatra.com will not accept any responsibility or liability in regards to failure to perform its obligation, including obligations cited under these terms of Use, caused by Force Majeure i.e. external forces beyond our control, which include but are not limited to terrorism, natural disasters, strikes or, electricity failures

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the Law of United Kingdom, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. If a provision of these terms and conditions is determined by any court or other competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, the other provisions will continue in effect.

If any unlawful and/or unenforceable provision would be lawful or enforceable if part of it were deleted, that part will be deemed to be deleted, and the rest of the provision will continue in effect. If any provision of this website disclaimer is, or is found to be, unenforceable under applicable law, that will not affect the enforceability of the other provisions of this website disclaimer.

Terms and Conditions Changes

These Terms of Use may change from time to time. The Client will be informed of revisions as and when they are issued.

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material we will try to provide at least 30 days notice prior to any new terms taking effect as indicated above. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion.
By continuing to access or use our Service after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, please stop using the Service.
However, for any material changes to the Terms of Use, we at http://www.opatra.com must notify users in advance. In view of this, we provide 30 days notice (recommended) before the new Terms and Conditions become effective

 For Questions or Comments, Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, comments or complaints regarding this Terms and Conditions and/or our collection or use of personal information, or if you wish us to stop processing your personal information for any particular purpose or purposes, then please, contact: : The CEO, Opatra Ltd, at [email protected], 447 high road London n120af, United Kingdom, Contact Number: + 07581293831. Limited lifetime Warranty Coverage.Opatra’s warranty obligations are limited to the terms set forth below:

  1. Opatra provides warranties for its products for a period of lifetime* from the date of original retail purchase provided that all warranty guidelines are met.
  2. If a defect exists, Opatra shall exchange the product with a new product.
  3. A replacement product assumes the remaining warranty of the original product.
  4. When a product is exchanged, any replacement product becomes your property and the replaced product becomes Opatra’s property.
  5. In no event shall our liability exceed the value of the product in question.

Exclusions and Limitations:

If you have any questions, concerns, comments or complaints regarding this Terms and Conditions and/or our collection or use of personal information, or if you wish us to stop processing your personal information for any particular purpose or purposes, then please, contact: : The CEO, Opatra Ltd, at [email protected], 447 high road London n120af, United Kingdom, Contact Number: + 07581293831. Limited lifetime Warranty Coverage.Opatra’s warranty obligations are limited to the terms set forth below:

  1. This Limited Warranty applies only to products manufactured by, or, for Opatra that can be identified by the Opatra trademark, trade name, or logo affixed to them, in addition to a unique serial number.
  2. The Limited Warranty does not apply to any non-Opatra product even if packaged or sold with Opatra products. Non- Opatra manufacturers and suppliers may provide their own warranties.
  3. This Limited Warranty does not cover Opatra products sold by Unauthorized Distributors.
  4. This Limited Warranty does not cover: (1) damage due to misuse or abuse (including but not limited to using the product with an incorrect voltage supply), dropping, or other operation in violation of the written safety precautions provided with the product; [these precautions and instructions for use may also be found on Opatra’s website] or (2) tampering with, such as the unauthorized repair or attempted repair of the product.
  5. Authorised Distributors will provide the same warranty, by doing so they will be obligated to provide you with the same warranty the company offers.
  6. For all online sales: the warranty is valid only if you purchase your product from Opatra at: 1. Opatra’s official website, or 2. Opatra’s Amazon store, or 3. Opatra’ EBay page.
  7. Please verify the warranty before purchasing from any existing authorized online retailer as terms may be different when purchasing from an online reseller.

Limited Lifetime Warranty explained:

In the first year from the date of your purchased OPATRA will replace any device which incur technical fault, the warranty does not cover any damages due to misuse.

At the end of the 12 months period any replacement for a damaged device will incur 40£ admin, shipping and handling fee, no replacement will be sent without this payment.

How to activate your Limited lifetime warranty:

First you need to activate your warranty; please go to the Warranty registration page https://www.Opatra.com/

In order to exchange your damaged or faulty product please send to us the following:

  1. the product within its original box.
  2. A copy of the original purchase receipt. All replacements must be accompanied by purchase receipt!

Please send the above to: [email protected]

Please send the above to: [email protected]
Opatra Ltd
Big Yellow Self Storage,
447 High Road
N12 0AF
Reino Unido


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